Monday, October 18, 2004

Nebraska lives up to it

Nebraska...the good life.

Well it is in the fall, that's for sure. It's really nice this time of year. The leaves are changing and some of the neighborhood trees are really something to see. Buc and I walk twice a day so I am noticing a little more. He discovered squirrels two days ago. Usually, they bound back and fouth across the trail and he pays no mind. But Saturday, he stopped, his ears perked up, and then he was off--a hung blast of speed that lasted for almost four of the six feet of the remaining leash. The walk tuned into a bunch of sniffs, a poop, and several jolts.

Finally, with fenced yards on both sides of the trail, I thought it was time for him to learn how slow he was and how quick and sneaky the squirrel is. After all, they can climb a tree. One popped up on the trail and I let go of the leash. Buc bolted. The squirrel darted. Buc darted.
The squirrel turned on the juice. Buc sped up. The squirrel angle for the nearest tree. Buc closed the gap. The squirrel went up the tree. Buc circled and barked. The squirrel chuckled.
I told Buc to come so we couldl continue our walk.

He decided to change rolls and I spent ten minutes chasing him and the free flying leash.

Ain't fall in Nebraska great?

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