Thursday, November 25, 2004

Smaller tables

Thanksgiving tables are smaller than they use to be. And there is no ham sauce--half apple jelly and half mustard to give the ham a little extra kick. Yes, I know it should be turkey on Thanksgivng and it was, plus a ham.

I never did like the oyster dressing but the other kind was good. The bean dish with the French's onion things was good, too. But the sweet patatos with marshmellows melted and just a hint of starting to burn made the meal.

I don't know if kitchens still have all of those square aluminum pans and those big roasters anymore. Plus, it's been ages sinch I have seen one of those big mixers where you slid the whatever to be mixed under it and flipped down the mixer on it and the bowl went round and round. Whipped cream started in the bottom of that thing and slowly worked its way to the brim where a sneaky little finger lay in wait. I use to put a little on top of the dog's nose and what him lick himself to death trying to get at it. Someday I will pay for that I suppose.

Pumpkin pie had to have whipped cream. There might be a piece of mince pie around, too but I was never big on that one. Mince meat had a bad sound to it. I stuck with pumpkin and pecan. Cool whips is good but whipped cream is different. It stays will you longer and adds to the guilt later on.

Speaking of later on, a turkey sandwich on Wonder Wread with Miracle Whip and lettace got me throught Lassie and the Bengal Lancers.

Do you suppose the Bengal Lancers are still running on some cable channel or did they go the way or stout old Thanksgiving tables and ham sauce? It's been a long time since I was a kid but heck, I bet the Lions are still trying to beat Dallas in the someone's other room.

God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving.

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