Friday, November 12, 2004

Punish when he pees?

I've got a problem. It's with my little, well not so little anymore, dog Buc. I have told you he is cute but I have got a real problem with him.

Since I work for myself, I try to take him along with me rather than box him up in his box at home. He gets to look out and see the world and has met a million dogs who somehow manage to drive pickups from the back. I get a bunch of funny looks from him when he is nose to nose with a big hound in a pickup box. I use to let him look through a half opened window. That was just enough for him to put his paws on the armrest and his head through the window and get a snootful of wind as his floppy black and white ears laid back like the wings of a stealth bomber. He loved it and caused quite a few great smiles from other drivers as we zoomed along the Lincoln streets. I was OK with that until he did an about face and went out the window butt first. Jesus, there I was on 48th Street in Lincoln hanging my dog! The hell with the bastards, I came to a stop and jumped out of the car and rescued my hanging dog. The window doesn't go that far down anymore and he knows full well the wrath of God from such an event.

Perhaps, that is what caused the problem I now have. Yes, I still take him along but when I come back to the car, he is so excited, he get tinkleitis. Just a squirt or two but none the less, this cannot be allowed to stand. I tried to scold him. He got down on the floor and tinkled more. I whacked him with a loosely rolled up newspaper. He tinkled on the door.

Then it dawned on me. What the hell am I doing punishing this little guy for his inability to control his glee on my return. That's a first! Imagine a creature that excited to see another creature to cause that creature to pee and the ohter creature to explode in rage?

The dog training manual isn't to helpful on the subject and it has been ages since I got a Fingerhut letter. What's a dog loving guy to do?

Should I punish when he pees? Or maybe, I should just clean it up, shake my finger at him, take him for a walk, and be grateful I have that good of friend.

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