Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Attacking the new book

Ok, I have waited long enough. It's been through three edits and I suppose there are a couple of edits to go but I have pulled The Rooming House out from under my chair and it is going to turn into my third published book. The target date is February 27, 2005. (My birthday :o)

House, as I like to call it, is the sequel to The Last Flight of Kilo Mike. I wrote Kilo Mike in 1998 because I was worried about how US Customs went about the business of inspecting planes coming into the United States, No, I wasn't all that concerned about airliners. The heat is up on trying to grab one of those and terrorists are basically chickens who sneak around and try to find the easy way to do things. With the inspections in place on airliners, that is no longer easy.

Kilo Mike was based on my overseas flying experience. When we came back from Africa et al, we had to clear customs in Bangor, MA. The agent sondered out (slow bored walk), asked us if we had anything to declare, and singed the form and sondered back. He never looked into our Learjet which was packed floor to roof with boxes. We could have had anything in there...maybe even a suitcase nuke. That was the idea behind Kilo Mike. I designed the cover--a jet flying behind two very tall square twin buildings. It was published in March 2001. It's on amazon and whatever. Go look. I know it is spooky.

Anyway, the hero of the book is a co-pilot named Donnie. I brought him back to Lincoln for The Rooming House. Unlike the premise of Kilo Mike, House doesn't deal with terrorism. It is more of a Psycho type book and I am going to finish it, dammit.

I put it away after I had some writer friends read it. One of my mentors didn't like it and gave specific reasons why. He is not a fiction guy and admitted that up front but he gave me some things to consider so I put it away for a few months and considered. Now it is time to get it done becuase I have two more I want to write before I drop dead.

Anyway, I thought I should give you advance warning because I may be chatting about book writing--kind of talking to myself don't ya know.

Buc is not going to edit it.

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