Friday, April 20, 2007

What's in your burka?

Muqtada al-Sadr, I suppose I should call him the "fiery Shiite cleric" since that is his media tag, is a dunce. There, I have said it and for all I know, I may have said it on a Muslim holy day. Bring on the be-headers.

None the less, dunceo isn't thinking through what he could really get done it he were to play along with the US in Iraq. I have a suggestion. Perhaps he could consider it while he sits on some dirt floor and chomps on some goat eyes.

You should become a banker. You should open up a division called, let's see, MuslimOne. You should offer credit cards to every Iraqi who can prove he is getting paid by the US reconstruction. You should advertise on car bombs before they blow up...MuslimOne...What's in your burka?

Once you get all of those followers signed up, then you should start charging them ridiculous fees that can run their cards over the limit and then charge over limit fees and over limit fees. If the government of Iraq is like the government of the US, you won't have to worry. They won't do anything about it.

Before you know it, you will not only be the most powerful goat herder in the Middle East, you will be the richest. Just think about it--tile floors and steak!

Pretty cool idea, huh.



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