Thursday, December 22, 2005

The high rocking horse

OK, I am going to get up on my high rocking horse.

The subject is adult toys. (No not that kind.)

These are the toys you may get for Christmas such asn an I-Pod or a Video I-Pod or something techie and toothie.

When I was a kid--granted that was a very long time ago--we didn't have those things to keep the mind occuplied while you "lived" life.

As a result, you had to look people in the eye when you met them on the street and if you of midwestern heritage, you probably said "Hi." You even said "Hi" to perfect strangers. Imagine that! And, when you said "Hi" you were not asking about their condition.

We have lost that art of looking someone in the eye and saying "Hi."

In fact, it has become such a terrifying experience, people are writing books about it. The Fine Art of Small Talk. Good grief.

I blame bad apples. My dad always said bad apples spoiled the whole bunch and that's exactly what has happed. It started with bad Walkmans but we have moved on. Now you can plug in, push on, and tune out.

Once in a while you will see society revert back to the old days. The transit strike is a good example. When was the last time you saw hundreds of New Yorkers hollering out? Granted, they are all trying to catch the attention of the same cab but it's a start.

We sould have I-Pod, Walkman, and cellphone free zones. If we did, maybe we would get back to looking people in the eye and saying "Hi" again. Both exchanges would make this country and better county. After all, how can you tell a man's character if you can't look him in the eye? Do you ask to see his I-Pod playlist or something?

Be warned, if you got one of those Bluetooth things you plan to plug into your ear and wear like a proud robot, don't come near me. I don't want to talk to anyone who is focused on what may come rather than what is. That's as close as it gets to the old expression..."he has rocks in his head."

And if you are walking around a restaurant talking to that thing, be careful. I just may slide a chair out in front of you to trip over.

Or sick my high rocking horse on you!

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