It's snowing right now. It's kind of a light grainy snow. The kind of snow where you can take a little three or four step run and slide for a few feet. Arms out of coure for balance. That's important background info for you because today is Star City Parade day in Lincoln. Downtown will be full of families with little kids watching a discount version of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. There will be small balloons with people trying to control them in the wind. There will be bands, including the band of bands in Nebraska....ladiesssss and gentlemen......the Pride of Alllllll Nebraskaaaaaa....The University of Nebraska CornnnnnnHusker Marching Band!
I still get chills watching them. When they play Hail Varsity and Dear 'Ole Nebraska U, I remember who I am and where I am from. That's cool on an otherwise cold snowy day. (Might not be all that bad to be from Florida, though.)
I was in a band once so I know what it is like to march in snow and freeze to death. The uniforms can look cool but they are not the stuff of the North Face. And speaking of face, there is nothing worse than having a cold coronet mouthpiece stick to the wrong part of your lip. Nothing but air goes through and not enough of it to make any interesting noise that approaches music.
Little kids don't get air. They understand "honk honk honk." And they ask such honest questions...."mommy, why isn't that guy making any music?"
Good question. Hence the keyboard.
So to all of the little kids along the snowy parade route, enjoy the cold weather. Drink some hot chocolate. (If you are REALLY cold and can't find any hot chocolate, ask your dad for a belt of his schnapps.)
Don't bitch about having to come to the parade. There will come a Christmas when your parents are old and you and your sibs can say..."remember when we went to the parade and drank all of dad's schnapps?"
Keep warm by rubbing your mittens together. Brush the snowflakes from your face. Curl up your toes inside of your boots and when the band of bands comes along....clap your hands and enter into your heritage as a loyal Cornhusker.
If you don't have to go pee before Santa goes by, you'll have a warm memory from a cold snowy day etched in your mind and you'll have earned the right to whine about going to Disney World in Orlando.
Oh, and don't try to sneak a pee in your pants. It only stays warm for a little while.
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