Monday, January 16, 2006


It was 58 degrees in Lincoln yesterday.

The sun was bright and shiney and the Mopac trail, my favorite bike trail, was as packed as I have ever seen it.

I wore short and walked a little. The key word is little because my knee is out and giving me lots of grief. But, you can't pass up a day like that. What a treat!

One of my resolutions was to get out more and I am keeping true to that one. It's easy when winter doesn't happen. January, which is usually pretty brutal in Nebraska has really been tame. So, keeping the outdoor resolution is really easy--no biking through the deep snow.

Even with the nice string of days, the common phrase is "we need the moisture." Yup, we do. It's plenty dry and fires could get going at anytime. You see the results of small ones along the Interstate where somebody has tossed out a lit cigarette.


Kind of like this blog entry today. But, I needed to tell about yestereday.

What a nice gift!

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