Friday, October 15, 2004

I've got a cold :o(

I hate this time of year. I don't mean the fall. It's beautiful. I mean the cold season. Maybe I should have said the cold and flu season but I am pretty sure someone has copywrited that. Sorry. Sue me.

Since my house is just me and the little pooch, there isn't much sympathy for my cold. In fact, when I sneezed the other day, pooch jumped out of his black and white fur. Now he just backs off a little, raises his floppy ears, and cocks his head to the left. It's not dog language for "gee, I am so sorry you don't feel well" but is more like "what the hell was that explosion?" He immediatly returns to normal and wonders why I am sitting there, doing nothing, when there are plenty of Milk Bones within arms reach.

Hopefully this will be over soon. If it isn't, I will be out of Milk Bones and will have a puppy who doesn't think I don't love him any more. That would be awful, huh.

Cheers! *drinks orange juice, pets puppy on the head and gives him a Milk Bone*

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