Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Sound of a Super Hero

I would probably be a big 24 fan but there is only one problem. I can't hear it that well. Jack Bauer whispers through most of it. That is just not very super-heroee.

When I was a kid, I could hear The Lone Ranger 20 feet away with part of a peanut butter sandwich stuck in my ear. (We didn't worry about earcoli back then.) But try to listen to Jack. He whispers to Cloe. I can't get by that name either. The Buchanan's fat beagle was named Cloe. Go figure.

I never had a problem with hearing Festus, Matt, Kitty, or Doc. Muley could get a "whad he say?" out of my dad but the others did just fine. If you don't know what show that was, well you just don't know great television.

I don't know if I will ever get into 24 because of the whispering. It doesn't seem fair, does it? Just think where the country would be today if Archie had whispered to Edith?

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