Thursday, February 02, 2006

What ever happened to truthful claims?

I am a Cingular wireless customer.

That's a bad choice in Lincoln. The only five bars you will see here are lined up on O Street. At home, I get two max, even on a good day.

Yesterday, I lost a business call to Denver 5 times!

That's enough to make a rabbit chase a dog. And, it's not the first time this has happened. I went to the Cingular store to see what the problem was.

The reason I get lousy service, according to the Cingular folks, is because the Lincoln City Council likes Alltel better than Cingular and are making it difficult for Cingular to open in a cell tower in my area of town and deliver their alleged five bar service.

Best Buy, my old stomping gounds, confirmed the lack of tower problem. If they lack the tower, they lack the capability to deliver five bar service. That's a given.

Then why keep offering this "raising the bar" serivce if they can't raise a tower in the first place?

Guess who gets stuck paying good money for bad service?

Maybe it's time to hold their feet to the fire instead of my checkbook. Sounds like a good idea to me.

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