Sunday, January 29, 2006

A Liittle Grin

OK, I can't help it. I know it is kind of nasty to be this way, but I can't help it. When you are a writer and you pour your heart into something and it doesn't find its way to some kind of critical fame, you die a little bit inside.

I like to write stuff that tugs at the ole heart. I like to write stuff that makes people smile and maybe snicker a little. (No, I am not recommending eating a candy bar when you read one of my books.)

So, when something comes along like this, well I just can help smiling a little and maybe even flipping the bird to the publishing world and her.

She is the guard to the door of who makes it big and who doesn't. She seems to be stuck on these great journeys of the down and out and how they came back from drugs and bad marriages and anything else about the frail human condition. She should go to an AA meeting and listen.

So Oprah, here's to you and the big lie you turned into a blockbuster best seller.

I can't help feeling nothing for you. After all, there are lots of good books out there that can make you laugh and cry and snicker and they are not written by lying gold diggers like the ones who sit on your couch so often. (Go ahead and eat one.)

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