Tuesday, December 27, 2005


It's foggy today. Not snowy. Not icey. It's foggy.

Yesterday, it was downright warm. Almost 60. I should buy some field outside of Lincoln and convert it to a beach.

Anyone who knows me knows I am a weather nut. If I could make a living chasing storms, I would do it in a hail drop. Some say it's a way to hold on to my flying years.

Maybe that's true. Maybe not. In the cockpit, watching weather wasn't near as much fun as chasing it on the ground. (Bumps in the sky are different than bumps on the ground.)

As a pilot, I had to learn alot about weather. As an "official" storm spotter, complete with photo ID, I found out how little I knew about weather.

There are weather nuts and there are turbo weather nuts.

The turbo ones hang out at a site called f5data.com. You have to pay for the service and if you are not a turbo weather nut, chances are you won't know what you are looking at or how to make any intrepertation.

I hang out at weatherunderground.com. I also gaze at the National Severe Storms Center page and the National Huricane Center page. Between the three, when weather is making news in this part of the country, I am making tracks.

Has weather gone goofy? Some say yes and some say no. There is plenty of data to support each position. I do think it is a little strange.

After all, when you think of winter in Nebraska, you probably don't think of fog and 58 degrees.

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