Saturday, November 06, 2004

Indian summer

Well the bugs are dead. The pretty leaves are gone. There have been a couple of days of windshield scraping mornings. Buc is confused why his little paws are coming into morning cold, cruchy grass and why I am saying..."get it done"...only a few feet from the house. And today, it is here.

Indian summer. To you non-Nebraskans, that means a couple of days of almost perfect weather before things turn to crap and Nebraska becomes a tundra.

People start to think about "beach" and "sun" except for some to those folks who drank to much in their youth and lost all of those brain cells. They start thinking "ski." Their kids think "snowboard" but they are still kids and not concerned about earning what they need to earn to pay for their ski trip to snob land and my impending Social Security.

This had to be a scarey time for the Indians. I don't think the teepee "R" level was that high and they knew what was coming. Plus, if they hadn't bagged a good deer and got the hide tanned in time, there would be no long pants. Ponder that from the male point of view when the wind chill is about 60 below zero. Anybody who want to go to the top of the moutain for fun instead of a warm, sunny beach is a nuttier guy than me.

I wouldn't have made a very good indian. But their summers are neat. Enjoy it because the buffalo are turning their butts to the North and it won't be long before tundraitis is here. Yuck.

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