Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Mexican Government Response

President Bush is going to make a speech tomorrow night. (I hope it doesn't bump 24!)
He is going to tell us how he plans to secure the border and improve his ratings. At least that's what they were saying on Sunday morning TV shows.

Frankly, I am worried about this speech. Presidente Fox has already summoned the Chinese Ambassador to learn how the wall idea really worked. Insiders in Mexico say there is a new government department in the works if the wall idea goes through.

They may create a Departmente de Escaler.

Fox may hire the president of Pepsi to run his new Department of Ladders. Now granted, Pepsi has long been climbing the profit ranks right behind Fox's Coca-Cola, but that is just not the right guy for the job. (Note the American giving advice already before any speeches are made or departments formed. I sound like Senator Patrick Leahy I know.)

But I can't help it. If the Mexican's want their Department of Ladders to work on our wall, they need to hire someone with ladder experience. Perhaps the CEO of Mennards or Home Depot would be a good choice. (I would have tossed Wal-Mart in there but I am not sure their ladders are tall enough or stout enough for a Mexican attack like this.)

And if we deploy the National Guard, that's a whole different ball game. They will just install ladder hooks on the humvees and drag them all to a military surplus outlet.

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