Monday, December 13, 2004

A month late...

I don't think it is global warming. I think the calender is screwed up. In fact, I think it is one month off. Just imagine if the retail community suddenly started making a big deal out of that...two Christmas seasons. Kind of like daylight Christmas season. How awful would that be?

OK, I am not a Christmas season fan. In fact, I am not even a winter fan. I would have made a lousy indian running around in those skimpy hides.

But back to the point. It's been really, REALLY, nice for December in Nebraska. Cool but not cold. Rain but not snow. There are still plenty of leaves on the trees. Nature is still in the late fall mode. Get the picture?

I think it is really November and somehow the calender got enough frequent dayer days to come up with an extra month and inserted it without anyone knowing. That's good for the crowd that doesn't see much future in ski Nebraska. Bad for the guys who rely on ice skating.

But for me and the trusty hound, it's good. The walks continue and I am also running three times a week--leash in hand--hound under foot. He likes aerobic stuff and since he is moving into dog teenager years, I suppose he is thinking about how he looks and maybe wants to get rid of the puppy fat and buff up as it were.

Well as long as the weather stays like this, it's outdoors for us.

Now that's a Christmas gift I can appreciate.

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